Today is 10/23/2024 -

Congregation Beth Israel

A spiritual oasis for the Jewish community

6 Dundee Park
Andover, MA 01810

(978) 474-0540

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Saturday Morning Services

CBI holds Shabbat Morning Services in person (and via Zoom)  In-person reservations are requested by Noon on Friday

Being fully vaccinated is required and boosters are highly encouraged.  Masks are recommended and we have a generous supply on hand. 

We will still be implementing virtual Shabbat services. Please reach out to Janet in the office at 978-474-0540 or email if you need the Zoom link or phone number to access the virtual service. You can also Click here to see the Rabbi’s Dvar Torahs from recent Shabbat Services.

Here are some helpful hints to make the most of this virtual Shabbat:

If you do not have a copy of the Sim Shalom Shabbbat Siddur or the Etz Hayim Chumash, you are welcome to come to the synagogue (please provide advance notice of your arrival), to borrow one to make it easier to follow along. Or, you can download/print, as follows:

Siddur Sim Shalom Shabbat Morning & Festivals – Specific pages only


Shabbat Morning Services will begin at 9:30am.

You may want to join a few minutes before start time to get settled.

You may, of course, join the service when you wish. We ask, however, that you try to join by 10:15am when we expect to start the Torah Service and will need a minyan. The service will end around noon, followed by a virtual Kiddush.

If you have any problems with the technology, use the CHAT icon at the bottom of the screen to communicate your problem, or call Jon Brody directly at 978.807.3849.

Please provide feedback of your ZOOM experience so we can improve the practice moving forward.

Zoom Instructions

When you join the meeting, please “mute” or “unmute” your connection as appropriate(microphone icon at the bottom left – and please be mindful of others around you, background noises, etc. You can switch between mute/un-mute, as often as you need to). If you have a computer camera, click the video icon (bottom left) so we know you’ve joined in, and, at your leisure, check along the perimeter of your screen for additional icons to guide you further, particularly the top right for ‘gallery view’ and ‘speakers view’ which are different formats for photos of the participants. It only affects your screen so choose the one you prefer.

If you have a laptop, iPad, Tablet, etc., you, most likely, have a camera and microphone built in. If you have a desktop, you most likely need an external camera and microphone installed. Check that all connections are secure, volume is at a good level, the camera angle doesn’t cut off your head!, your device is fully charged, etc.

If you don’t have a camera or microphone, you can ‘dial’ into the service using your cell phone by ‘one tap mobile’ – tapping on a number

If you don’t have a cell phone, you can ‘dial’ by your location using a number provided.

For security reasons we are not listing the link or number on the public website, but you can see this information in emails from the Shul, or it can be provided by Janet.

You can also find help tutorials if you are new to Zoom at